Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM) does not have standing in their case against the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). The ruling underscores the extreme nature of the rulings of the hand-picked district court and the Fifth Circuit and the danger and harmful uncertainty that ensues when special interests are improperly empowered to use the courts as their playground. While the ruling means that, today, mifepristone remains approved and accessible, access remains at risk in the case as it continues before Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, and anti-abortion extremists pursue their campaign against the safe, effective medication. 

Democracy Forward represented GenBioPro, the manufacturer of generic mifepristone, on an amicus brief submitted in FDA et al v. AHM et al to support the FDA and underscore the importance of preserving access to medication abortion and evidence-based drug regulation. 

“Today the Supreme Court ruled what we have long known: the harmful attempt to ban and restrict mifepristone access should have never been in the courts,” said Skye Perryman, President and CEO of Democracy Forward. “While we are pleased that the Court dismissed this case on standing, the case should have been dismissed long ago and not permitted to wreak havoc on people and our health care system. Despite today’s decision, this case isn’t over. Extremist Attorneys General in Idaho, Missouri, and Kansas continue to pursue this same case in front of Judge Kacsmaryk with the goal of restricting access to mifepristone. Our team will continue to oppose these dangerous attempts in courts and communities throughout the country.”

To speak with Perryman or another Democracy Forward spokesperson about the implications of this case, please email dgrahamcaso@democracyforward.org.

For more information about Democracy Forward and its role in FDA et al v. AHM et al, see here.

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