A Win for Veterans.

A win in a suit against the Trump administration for outsourcing veterans policy to Trump’s pals at Mar-a-Lago.

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The Promise of Democracy.

We are in courts across the country fighting for people, democracy, and progress.

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Fighting for science.

The science is settled - universal masking policies protect health.

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Thank you Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.

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A Discussion with Madam Policy.

A discussion between Skye Perryman and Madam Policy on democracy and social progress, science in the courts, women’s rights and what’s next for Democracy Forward.

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Science matters.

Universal mask policies in schools protect all children.

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"This is Bigger than Texas"

And Texas is a very big state.

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We have fought to defend the progress of gender equity in these last 4 years and we’re continuing that fight against efforts to erode women’s rights through unlawful legislation. All of which we couldn’t do without you.

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Texas Gov. Abbott's Coercive Veto

Texas Lawmakers, Public Servants, TX AFL-CIO et al. v. State of Texas

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45 Ways We Disrupted 45’s Executive Branch Corruption

There certainly was a lot to do — and we’ve gotten a lot done.

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Ticking Time Bomb "Sunset Rule"

County of Santa Clara et. al v. HHS

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2020 Year End Blog

In a Trying Year: Real Accountability

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Bringing Foster Youth out of the Shadows: AFCARS

California Tribal Families Coalition, et al. v. Azar

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Splash Statement

Counter Project 2025 today.

Project 2025 is a radical playbook that presents a profound threat to the American people, our freedoms, and our democracy. Join us to expose this effort by far-right extremists and fight back.

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