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Like the vast majority of Americans, we want to see people and communities thrive in 2025 and beyond. Yet, current efforts by extremist organizations, including more than 100+ interest groups, to implement the radical, extreme “Project 2025” policy agenda threaten our nation.

We don’t need “projects;” we need a democracy that works for all. Democracy Forward is prepared to use all the tools our democracy provides to fight back against threats from an anti-democratic president and other far-right actors if necessary.

Join us in this generational fight for people and democracy.

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Our winning strategy

The courts are now a frontline in the battleground for democracy, not merely the last resort protectors of it.

The majority of the American people believe in the promise and potential of democracy. But extreme, anti-democratic movements seek to wield political power and roll back our rights. At this critical moment, we must leverage our collective power to stop the law from being used in regressive ways and to build for a better future.


Times we sued the Trump administration


States where we've made a difference


Clients and partners engaged

Splash Statement

New York Times: “The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started”

As first reported in The New York Times: Democracy Forward is “ensuring that people and communities that would be affected by a range of policies that we see with respect to Project 2025 know their legal rights and remedies and are able to access legal representation, should that be necessary.”

Join us in this generational fight for people and democracy. Sign up below, and we will provide you opportunities to engage, mobilize, and use your voice and expertise.