We believe democracy is worth the fight.

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Our winning strategy

Innovative legal strategies, targeted expertise and an engaged community

Hope is hard to come by in the current fight for democracy, but it is essential as we work to turn the tide against attacks on abortion care. And, our strategy is winning.


Actions filed to hold bad actors' feet to the fire

We defend positive policies from right-wing attacks in the courts.


States where we’ve made a difference

We work at all levels to counter negative trends and support positive change.


Clients and partners engaged

We advance progressive legal theory through coordinated partner engagement.

Splash Statement

New York Times: “The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started”

As first reported in The New York Times: Democracy Forward is “ensuring that people and communities that would be affected by a range of policies that we see with respect to Project 2025 know their legal rights and remedies and are able to access legal representation, should that be necessary.”

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